Starting Eclipse Season with a Taurus New Moon

Taurus New Moon welcomes us during the eclipse season as the second new moon of the month (we call this a Black Moon) – and right on the cusp of the eve of Beltane. Magic is afoot!

Eclipses signal change, endings and speed. It is for this reason we might consider being slightly more reserved when it comes to big decision making, intention setting or putting an end to something. When something ends during an eclipse, it is final and for the greatest good of all involved. This partial solar eclipse brings with it the energy of Taurus, so money, career and relationships are in the spotlight. Solar eclipses happen on new moons, which also bolsters the potential of new things and opportunities coming together.

All the while, we are also welcomed with open sensual Venusian arms as we move into grounding and earthy Taurus season. Taurus, ruled by Venus, is deeply connected to love, beauty and abundance. We’re now slowing down after Aries’s fiery “new beginnings,” and enveloping ourselves in the process of creation this next phase. It is time to enjoy the softer, loyal and grounded energy of the Bull.

This New Moon, happening right before Beltane, the Celtic fire festival, is a time of unification between the divine masculine and feminine. As the New Moon and Eclipse is happening in Taurus (particularly on the Taurus/Scorpio axis which started in fall of 2021), ask yourself if you need a little more rest, downtime and reflection time as it pertains to your relationships in the world (with all things from partners to money to yourself). You are well supported for a little slowness at this time.

With the Beltane energy coming the day after the New Moon, we are accompanied by the Enchantress, during this Spring awakening season. The Enchantress Archetype has been portrayed in many ways over time (including as a representation for the fall and luteal phase), but for our purposes, we are calling on her sensuality and embodiment as the May Queen and Taurean lover.  The Enchantress is bold and grounded in her femininity, she is not afraid to speak her truth and be who she is, nor call upon her divine masculine counterpart. She is sensual and seductive with a desire for sacred marriage, Heiros Gamos and divine union.

During this Black New Moon and eclipse, she’s here to help us ground into our own sensuality, within ourselves between our own divine masculine and divine feminine aspects.

Below are some suggested rituals and practices you might wish to include to connect with the energies of this New Moon and Beltane.

  • Make love in any way that feels resonant, to yourself, your Beloved, honor your body temple, self-massage, bathe in rose petals, really create love and beauty all around you
  • Make some time to let your sensual fires come out to play – embody your inner-enchantress
  • Take a barefoot walk in nature, being with the earth and connecting with the vibration of her fertile state in the northern hemisphere
  • Tend to your already planted garden, or prepare it by weeding and preparing it for seeding when the eclipse portal is complete

Have a wonderful, full of love, weekend!


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